Thursday, April 4, 2013

From 103 to 23 and Snow

  Our journey from Death Valley to Eastern Oregon (near Burns), wasn't from the frying pan to the fire, but from the frying pan to  the freezer.  As we shivered in the cold of Oregon the heat we left behind in Death Valley didn't seem so bad to me.

On our way to Oregon we spent a night in northern NV, our first Rest Area overnight, in a beautiful spot in the Quinn Valley.  We had stopped here before for lunch and the view and decided to just stay the night this time.  No one bothered us and the noise of trucks did not wake us.

When we got to Chickahominy Reservoir, Oregon,  about 40 miles from Burns, we were so surprised that the lake was partially covered in ice.  We were the only campers there and it was very cloudy.  Snow was predicted for the next day.  We hoped it would miss us, but by morning the ground was covered and the wind began to roar and whipped snow around all day.  Terry had managed to get his antennae up and had good radio contact in spite of the wind roar.  I made my first radio contact (other than Terry) with the net manager for his California noon net.  I was so nervous I had to write down my call sign.  But I was excited!

We really enjoyed the sunrises and sunsets at Chickahominy.  They were extra special with the storm clouds aglow.

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