Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas at Home

For the last 2 years we have celebrated Christmas while working near Salem, OR at Willamette Mission State Park and visiting with Terry's family a few days after Christmas.  Terry took this photo last year on Christmas Day in our new bigger trailer with couch.  Luxury living!

This year we are excited to be back at our cabin near my sister and seeing our friends here.  Christmas celebrations have quickly filled our calendar between doctors appointments, exercise sessions  and moving  7 months of stuff in from the trailer; a long slow process.  

The stockings are hung from the mantle above the wood stove and its flickering flames warm our mornings  and evenings.  I baked some cookies today and Terry has the wood bin filled.  We've had a dusting of snow and our bird feeders are up and well stocked.  We are enjoying the company of our friends and sharing activities with them.

Though our travels this year seemed especially full of beauty and special places, being here at home for Christmas and winter is delightful!

 We wish you a Christmas filled with the simple things that give you pleasure and peace.